About Quakers

Quakerism is a religious faith with Christian roots that began in the 1650s in England. The formal title of the movement is ‘The Religious Society of Friends’.

Quakers believe that every person has within themselves something of God. This understanding gives support through the challenges of daily life. Quakers believe that all human beings are equal, worthy of respect and contain goodness and truth.

Quakers try to live simply and sustainably, promoting peace, equality and truth. Putting faith into action is central to their way of life and they gather weekly for worship, on a Sunday. Quaker Meetings for Worship take place in ‘meeting houses’ and meetings for worship are open to all.

Silence is a key part of meetings for worship and provides an opportunity for people to get closer to God.

Quakerism at the Woodlands 

Woodlands Quaker Home is open to all regardless of denomination. 

There is a short period of silence before mealtimes in the dining room, as a time for prayer or quiet reflection and there is an area in our common room that is used for quiet contemplation.

Wolverhampton Quaker Meeting is held every Sunday at 10:30am and lasts for about one hour with refreshments following the meeting. The meeting house is a short drive away and arrangements can be made for a resident to attend the meeting on a regular basis.

To find out more about Quakerism please visit www.quaker.org.uk you can also visit www.centralenglandquakers.org.uk to find out about Quakerism and Quaker events within the Midlands area.

True silence is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment

George Fox (1624 -1691)